Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
As the year comes to an end and we reflect upon all that we have achieved in 2019 we are extremely grateful for our team, our clients and partners we work with.
2019 has been a positive year, we have grown our network, exhibited at some of the major international shows with great feedback, continued to deliver high calibre training both in the UK and abroad and delivered another new and improved machine.
Our team have visited 24 countries delivering training, meeting with new and existing clients, attending project meetings, exhibiting at high profile shows and conducting business development all in the pursuit of tackling corrosion.
So we would like to take this opportunity to thank all our partners, clients and followers for their continued business and support and to wish you all a very Happy Holiday Season and best wishes for a prosperous New Year.
We look forward to working with you in 2020.
From the entire Oxifree Global team.